
Pocket contents

Pocket contents, originally uploaded by Witty Screen Name.

First day of school! There were LOADS of little ones walking to school with their parents and friends. They were everywhere…like tribbles!

My very favorite crosswalk guard is back. He looks to be 100+ years old but has so much sass and energy and kindness; he acknowledges absolutely everyone passing by with a wave and a smile--and with quite some vigor. He is also VERY serious about his job and very good at it. He’ll give you the EYE and vehemently point that stop sign at you if your car moves even a nanometer in the direction of the crosswalk if he there crossing with the kids.

And rightly so.

One friend B.’s daughter, A., came home from school. B. asked A. how recess went and A. replied “oh, I didn’t really find anyone to play with so I just looked at what I had in my pockets.” !!!! B. put lots of interesting things in her pockets the next day. Now A. says she doesn’t need stuff in her pockets anymore because she’s made lots of friends.

Pockets are good. Kids are resourceful and resilient.

Emma, my surrogate grandma once said “We are lucky if we can have just one good friend in our lifetimes. And I have TWO!”

Good punchline.

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