

handcuffed, originally uploaded by Witty Screen Name.

What do you think of when you see the acronym "MSW"?

Quote of the day:

"So, at trivia night you can shout out a category for the next week’s game and I shouted out Murder, She Wrote and the crowd went wild! I’m not kidding. So, for next week’s game the theme is: Shows I Watched with My Grandmother. Can you believe that? I think MSW is making a comeback. "
--Debra Gorgos

Then I went to acronym finder--and Murder She Wrote is actually quite high in the ranking of recognized meanings for MSW! Only slightly less well-known than the Modified Sine Wave.

****** MSW Municipal Solid Waste
****** MSW Mammal Species of the World
***** MSW Microsoft Word
***** MSW Master of Social Work
***** MSW Microsoft Windows
***** MSW Medical Social Worker
**** MSW Modified Sine Wave (electronic signal shape)
**** MSW Murder She Wrote (TV show)
**** MSW Machine Status Word
**** MSW Men Seeking Women
*** MSW Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein (effect; neutrino oscillation, mass)
*** MSW Most Significant Word
*** MSW Multiswitch
*** MSW Men Who Have Sex with Women (medical/public health)
*** MSW Master Search Warrant
*** MSW Maiden Special Weights (race for horses that have never won a race)
*** MSW Mountain Spring Water
** MSW Meters Sea Water (SCUBA diving)
** MSW Main Seawater
** MSW Magneto-Static Wave
** MSW Maximum Shipping Weight
** MSW Minimum Squared Weight
* MSW Middleware Sub Working Group
* MSW Managed Windows Service
* MSW Manual Shift to Working
* MSW Multi-Cast with Same Wavelength
* MSW Multiple Stop-And-Wait

My friends are geniuses. And huge MSW fans. Particularly Debra.

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