
I love this video and Janine Antoni's message about balance and equanimity.  One of my students presented Janine's work as an artist's work that represented mindfulness to her.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really like this one! especially when she says “…it wasn’t that I was getting more balanced, but that I was getting more comfortable with being out of balance. Rather than getting nervous & overcompensating, that I could just compensate enough, and I thought I wish I could do that in my life!” That’s very cool! And when she walks along the ocean horizon… that’s my favorite kind of art, combining two things you normally don’t associate with each other – like you say, of juxtaposition (a pipe-cleaner tiara or an e-mail about having babies & avoiding car-jackings ) – art that’s beautiful in itself, but also generates all these new ideas & possibilities in your head!