
a good match

tiina & alef, originally uploaded by Witty Screen Name.

Tiina is Finnish and went to US for high school, then to Japan to teach English at University. Alef was born in Iran and grew up in Holland, and made a life in Japan as an importer. Both ended up in Tokyo in a sushi bar one night where they met....

It is a pleasure and a blessing to be a witness to a good match, and they are that. Solid.

Thank you Alef and Tiina for such a wonder-filled Sunday!!

Minx and I are getting to know one another. It was AWESOME to be covered in horse poop. My muscles stretched in ways they remember and love. I drove a John Deere something-or-other for the first time. I loved it. Nina is an angel to bring me to that experience. I'm hungry for more.

Interesting, Nina, how you are bringing people (and animals) together these days. You are a connector, a conduit, a creator/ healer in a way.

Sweet potato, green apple, red onion salad is very yummy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loved your Tiina pics on Flickr too! Glad you had such a nice weekend (though I'm not so sure about the horse poop!). Love to you. :)