
I Will Remember You:

Kind. Artsy. Generous spirit. Nerd. Goofball. Oh-so-stubborn. Giraffe-lover. Voracious book reader. Beautiful inside-and-out.

I will remember you:

How important education was to you and what a good mother you were. Thank you for the fun times I had tagging along on adventures with you and your son.

I will remember you:

“You’re climbing Mt. Everest,” I’d say to you over and over, like my mom says about when we face the hardest struggles.

I will remember you:

You had a giant heart and it was broken. You said your heart had “a big hole” that not just anything could fill. I told you “don’t be so abstract, let’s talk about behaviors,” and you knitted me a scarf.

I will remember you:

I will make a donation to the Howard Center and tell them how much their work means in our community. I thank you for what you shared with me and taught me. 

I miss our friendship very much.

With much love,

1 comment:

Barbara said...

Beautiful, Em.