
Miss Scarlett

Miss Scarlett, originally uploaded by Witty Screen Name.
You can see some of miss debra's Angela Lansbury shrine to the left.


Becky said...

Is the cat Miss Scarlett or Miss Debra, or Miss Debra Scarlett?
This is important stuff!! :)

EAB said...
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EAB said...

Dearest Miss Rebecca Leigh,

To clarify, Miss Debra is human. She is the Divine Miss Scarlett's mother. Scarlett is a cat. We think. Debra is also Goldie's mother. She is made of pure angel dust, shaped into a kitty with angel spit.


Miss Witty von Wittington

PS I love you.

EAB said...

I leave you to wonder whether it is Goldie or Debra who is made of angel dust and spit.