
sacred words

IMG_2271, originally uploaded by ebjohn7304.

My nephew was given a Bible at church. If you can't read it, in Indiana-Jones-style font it says: The Adventure Bible, For Young Readers.

In a strange juxtaposition, I read an article this morning about two Afghans who wanted to share their faith in a language of the people, who now face a death sentence over their translation of the Quran. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090206/ap_on_re_as/as_afghan_translation_on_trial

And then, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/7869570.stm

I'm going to write my nephew a letter with some of my favorite sacred words. Some will be from the bible. I will let him know he can ask me anything, and that I've read a lot of things related to God and us.

I like these words by Hafiz.

You Were Brave in that Holy War

You have done well
In the contest of madness.

You were brave in that holy war.

You have all the honorable wounds
Of one who has tried to find love
Where the Beautiful Bird
Does not drink.

May I speak to you
Like we are close
And locked away together?

Once I found a stray kitten
And I used to soak my fingers
In warm milk;

It came to think I was five mothers
On one hand.

Why not rest your tired body?
Lean back and close your eyes.

Come morning
I will kneel by your side and feed you.
I will so gently
Spread open your mouth
And let you taste something of my
Sacred mind and life.

There is something wrong
With your ideas of

O, surely there is something wrong
With your ideas of

If you think
Our Beloved would not be so

---"The Gift: Poems by Hafiz the great Sufi Master" translated by
Daniel Ladinsky

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous nephew you have! (Ha ha!!) Any wisdom or words you share with him will be perfect and wonderful. You rock! :)