My christmas cactus from miss amy demarest is heavy with buds, waiting to burst open one of these October days.
in honor of sweet molly!

Those of you from high school might remember this song I made up our senior year. Of course I sang it well into college, so you folks might remember it, too.
Metaphorically, it gave me the chance to taste the difference between pity and compassion.
I'll describe more as I mull and let the dream settle.
LOVE PREVAILS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Same-sex marriage is legal in Vermont!
Spring is here but there is danger in the air.
Besides his egregiously backward and hate-filled beliefs, I was also disturbed by his admission that he is unable to handle balancing a lot of issues. That’s at the top of the list of what the governor and political leaders should be able to do during the session. Second to: listen to the people he represents and ensure liberty and justice for all.
P.S. Gov – “atheist and religious” are not polarities.
almost forgot
I couldn't get out of my own way today.
But somewhere in that downward spiral, I remembered it's blue nellie's tenth birthday!
Ten years ago today, I bought blue nellie at Freedom Nissan on Shelburne Road. I've been very blessed with her. She's been through a lot. But she's taken it all in stride.
Thank you for everything.
A graduate student sent this to the graduate listserv, reaching hundreds of people with a simple reminder:
What can you do for yourself today?
Soak in a bath with candles and music
Go for a walk
Make yourself a cup of tea
Stretch and move to music
Practice Yoga, Tai Chi or another gentle activity
Sit in the sun for 15 minutes
Change one thing to improve your diet
Watch birds and animals interact in nature
Sit in a park or garden
Take a nap
Eat totally healthy for one day per week
Be mindful of an ache or pain, focus healing energy and love to that
area of your body for 5 minutes
Recognize when you need comfort, and seek it out, cuddle up in a warm
blanket, light a candle, call a friend, put on loving music etc.
Get lost in a book or a movie, or create a fantasy . . .daydream for
15 minutes
Be playful or silly, let your inner child play ? color, blow bubbles,
paint or sing your favorite childhood song
Create a nurturing nook in your home, set up your own personalized sanctuary
Cry or laugh with a plant, tree or something from the earth
Engage in a hobby or craft project
Write yourself a letter about the obstacles you?ve overcome and things
like about yourself
Do something you have wanted to do for a long time
Hug yourself for 3 minutes
Breathe deep and think about a calm peaceful place, imagine yourself there
Remember a special time that brought your joy
Hug someone or ask for a hug
Talk to someone by pretending they are there
Make a to do list
Write a poem
Connect with nature
Concentrate on the flame of a candle
Talk to your guardian angel
Write about your spiritual purpose
Write about an experience that has been meaningful
Smile every time you see a particular object (one that you see a lot of)
Email a friend, tell them how much they mean to you
List things you will do to improve your life
Identify negative beliefs that limit your life
Journal write about your reactions, thoughts, and feelings for a month
Learn about a different religion or spiritual practice from your own
Make a list of short and long term goals
Practice unconditional love and forgiveness with yourself and others
Work on your family tree
Smile at a stranger, send them thoughts of peace, acceptance and joy
Affirm yourself daily
Watch children play, talk to your inner child in a loving way
Acknowledge yourself for your accomplishments, be proud
Talk to or smile at an elder
Feel a fear and take a risk
Telephone a friend or relative
Do something of service for your community or another person
Eat something sweet or sour
Accept a compliment
Read love quotes to yourself
Give yourself a hand or foot message
Find two things you love about your body
Close your eyes, and smile for the gift of life
sacred words
My nephew was given a Bible at church. If you can't read it, in Indiana-Jones-style font it says: The Adventure Bible, For Young Readers.
In a strange juxtaposition, I read an article this morning about two Afghans who wanted to share their faith in a language of the people, who now face a death sentence over their translation of the Quran. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090206/ap_on_re_as/as_afghan_translation_on_trial
And then, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/7869570.stm
I'm going to write my nephew a letter with some of my favorite sacred words. Some will be from the bible. I will let him know he can ask me anything, and that I've read a lot of things related to God and us.
I like these words by Hafiz.
You Were Brave in that Holy War
You have done well
In the contest of madness.
You were brave in that holy war.
You have all the honorable wounds
Of one who has tried to find love
Where the Beautiful Bird
Does not drink.
May I speak to you
Like we are close
And locked away together?
Once I found a stray kitten
And I used to soak my fingers
In warm milk;
It came to think I was five mothers
On one hand.
Why not rest your tired body?
Lean back and close your eyes.
Come morning
I will kneel by your side and feed you.
I will so gently
Spread open your mouth
And let you taste something of my
Sacred mind and life.
There is something wrong
With your ideas of
O, surely there is something wrong
With your ideas of
If you think
Our Beloved would not be so
---"The Gift: Poems by Hafiz the great Sufi Master" translated by
Daniel Ladinsky
true that
Things I did this weekend:
-Drove downtown in a beautiful whiteout Friday evening
-Briefly fell in love with the parking attendant
-Walked in the snowy snow snowfall
-Took lots of pictures. Fell in love with sparkley lights and snow and small-and-secret spaces and shoes that were left behind.
-Briefly fell in love with the people at Pacific Rim
-Ate yummy food
-Wandered in awe
-Thought about "life as art" and how it feels like falling in love over and over
-Accidently crashed a reception while trying to find a bathroom at the Flynn. Told the lady in line in front of me she was so pretty in her fancy dress (unbeknownst to me, she was UVM President Fogel's wife) and asked her if she was performing.
-Saw Ladysmith Black Mambazo
-Briefly fell in love with Ladysmith Black Mambazo, the couple to my left, and the lady to my right
-Denied the urge to hug random people after the show
-Could not stop smiling
-Saw Amy and Megan (already love them)
-Drove home. Slept.
-Met with Emily and Ryan (already love them, too)
-Briefly fell in love with the EMS guy who helped me pick out my snowshoes
-Went to the Mason's house
-Played with Simon (the dog)
-Went to Shelburne Farms for Winterfest
-Fell in love with Earl the Siberian Husky. He leaned into me.
-Was in awe at the beauty of Shelburne Farms and the many, many, many kidsounds
-Made applesauce
-Fell in love briefly with the applesauce guy
-Stood by the fire in the farmyard
-Watched sledders
-Stood in line. Stood in line. Stood in line.
-Went dogsledding!
-Snowshoed, briefly.
-Went to healthy living for a snack.
-Briefly fell in love with the beer sample guy
-Ate kale and stew. (True love.)
-Felt happy
-Changed into nice, dry clothes and sat next to the fire at the Masons. Chatted.
-Was treated to a fah-ncy dinner by the Masons at a fah-ncy restaurant called "Sauce" in Shelburne. Fah-ncy!
-Home. Slept.
-Picked up Emily. Visited E1 art collective
-Was in awe at Jake Rifken's art (yes, I fell in love with him, too).
-Met other hip-and-happening artists.
-Pet dogs Nali and Trout. Love and scratching.
-Breakfast at Magnolia's with Em and Ryan. Briefly fell in love with eggs benedict while singing "No Woman No Cry." It smelled really good in there, and the morning light made everyone beautiful. (Yes, I fell in love.)
-Movies! (I splurged a lot this weekend!) Kicked off Beth's birthday month. We vowed to see a happier movie next time.
-City Market for some rice and beans. Yogurt.
-Read Todd's latest blog. Emailed him about it.
-Went to bed. Some tears. Thought about what is emptiness.
-Considered calling Todd.
-Todd called me. We talked.
-I went to back to bed, in love with my life, with a vow to save all sentient beings in the universe. And prepared to be saved by all sentient beings in the universe. This feels like falling in love over and over and over again.
The Last Lecture
despite a rough start, a brazilian sunrise
Derek [in reference to coffee]: Peruvian Delight?
Me: Brazilian Sunrise!
[I pointed to the bag which read "Brazilian Sunrise: Medium Roast". He laughed after realizing I didn't make up the name as I had previously with "Peruvian Delight."]
[Later...via e-mail]:
Subject: Brazilian sunrise
Thanks for coffee!!
Subject: RE: Brazilian sunrise
!!!! You're welcome. I don't know what the person who commented said, but I think I agree: Aaaaaaaaah! Ist das schön! Da wär ich jetzt aber so richtig gern! Hach, da macht die Seele einen Luftsprung!
Subject: RE: Brazilian sunrise
[I pressed the link. I recommend you do, too.]