jen and wendi at the coffee corner

Ten Things Science Says will Make you Happy
1. Savor Everyday Moments
2. Avoid Comparisons
3. Put Money Low on the List
4. Have Meaningful Goals
5. Take Initiative at Work
6. Make Friends, Treasure Family
7. Smile Even When You Don’t Feel Like It
8. Say Thank You Like You Mean It
9. Get Out and Exercise
10. Make altruism and giving part of your life, and be purposeful about it.
Original article here: http://www.dailygood.org/more.php?n=3529
This is a picture of Harry Sargent, one of Miah and Jess's dogs. This picture makes me happy! Look at that smile! I'm pretty certain Harry practices the above ten items and with great ease.
the crafting spirit
Selling my art at the craft fair yesterday was gravy. The best parts were:
-Laughing with the ladies who were at the table next to me.
-Chatting, chatting, chatting with all the passersby.
-Seeing all the talent and all the beautiful works of art.
-Meeting the fellow crafters--people who care about something and are interested and passionate about something.
-Bartering with some of the other crafters.
-Smiling. All. Day. Long. Though I was exhausted later.
-Hearing encouraging words about some of the things I made.
-The little girl who made me a bracelet out of a pipe cleaner and some beads in exchange for one of my inspiration stones.
-That same girl's tiara: made out of pipecleaners and held in her hair with paperclips.
I know there's more. That's just a taste.